10 March 2018

Mixed Media birds & Mask Stencils

This month we are into mixed media cards! With the new bird cling stamps and two new stencils designed by Tiny Harts our creativity is endless. Especially when you combine them with the previous mixed media stamps and stencils. So grab your inks, paints and other media and join our design team.

10.03 Anja.spotlight

Clear stamp Tekst (CS0940)
Clear stamps Background Music notes (CS0997)
Mixed Media Texture stamps Tiny's watercolour (MM1615)
Mixed Media Texture stamps Tiny's imprint (MM1616)
Mixed Media Texture stamps Tiny's stains (MM1617)
Mixed Media Bird stamps Tiny's birds 1 (MM1618)
Mixed Media Bird stamps Tiny's birds 2 (MM1619)
Mask stencil Tiny's feathers (PS8004)
Mask stencil Tiny's speckles (PS8005)

10.03 Neline.spotlightNeline
Clearstamps Birthday Wishes (CS0996)
Craftables Herbs & Leaves (CR1432)
Creatables Strawberries (LR0510)
Mixed Media Texture stamps Tiny's stains (MM1617)
Mixed Media Bird stamps Tiny's birds 2 (MM1619)
Mask stencil Tiny's Feathers (PS8004)

10.03 Sigrid.spotlightSigrid
Clear stamps Birthday whishes (CS0996)
Clear stamps Craft dates 1 (EC0166)
Mixed Media Texture stamps Tiny's grid (MM1604)
Mixed Media Texture stamps Tiny's ink (MM1605)
Mixed Media Bird stamps Tiny's birds 1 (MM1618)
Mask stencil Tiny's feathers (PS8004)
Mask stencil Tiny's speckles (PS8005)

10mrt18 Boukje spotlightBoukje
Clear stamps Huwelijkswensen (CS0998)
Craftables Basic ticket (CR1391)
Craftables Succulent round (CR1430)
Craftables Herbs & Leaves (CR1432)
Mixed Media Bird stamps Tiny's birds 2 (MM1619)
Mask stencil Tiny's speckles (PS8005)

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